Tag des Gymnasiums: Beitrag auf Kanal 3


Das BG/BRG Judenburg setzt wieder neue Akzente im Bereich der Internationalität. Die Erasmus+ Expert*innen Mag.a Ilse Prenn und Mag. Bernd Fiechtl koordinieren diese Entwicklung seit vielen Jahren. Besonders für die Schüler*innen der Oberstufe ergeben sich dadurch immer neue Möglichkeiten, vom Netzwerk und den zahlreichen Projekten der Schule zu profitieren und internationale Erfahrungen zu machen. 
Sehen Sie dazu den folgenden Beitrag von Kanal3:


Class 5c goes Euroscola!

On the 26th November the 5C took part in the Euroscola meeting. Sadly enough, this event only took place in an online conference, but it was still interesting to see the EU politicians talk about climate change and the environment. 
After a short introduction to the European Union and its Parliament, students all over Europe were able to follow the Vice-President of the European Parliament and ask him questions concerning the topic.
In the following innovation labs based on the topic of “Climate change and the environment: how can we live in harmony with nature?” took place. Mr. Giacomo Fassina, member of the Secretariat of the committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food of the European Parliament expressed his and the EU’s opinion on the topics
1.) Using resources efficiently for a circular economy
2.) Restoring biodiversity and cutting pollution
3.) Creating a global coalition to halt and reverse global warming.
Finally, European students were encouraged to formulate claims and present them via chat or live video chat.
The event was closed by remarks by the Director General for Communication and the Spokesperson the European Parliament, Mr. Jaume Duch Guillot.
The visit of the online Euroscola event was very interesting. It for sure would have been better if we could have been in Strasbourg for real but we’re still glad we had the chance to attend the event over an online conference.

Here are some impressions:

Unsere Schule nutzt den Europäischen Sozial Fonds

Im letzten Schuljahr hat das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung eine Projektfördermaßnahme unter dem Namen  “ESF/REACT - Unterrichtsbezogene Förderangebote im Schuljahr 2021/22“ ausgeschrieben. Das BG/BRG Judenburg hat sich erfolgreich um diese Fördermittel des Europäischen Sozial Fonds beworben, die zur Gänze von der Europäischen Union getragen wird.